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College-uniform’s current project is working internally on its older content. Over the years, we have worked with many great models. But since that time, there have been advances in technology that have left their content looking very dated. Then there is also the addition of our own skill set, which has hopefully improved. Between 2004 and 2010, the cameras we used may have been suitable at the time. For a period of 4 years, we had a camera that had a focusing fault. So now using a combination of tools, we are looking back on the older content and hope to give it a make over that it deserves. The sample below shows you the original shot from 2007, shot on a Nikon D200 which was a 10 Megapixel DSLR. The image next to that has been upscale to double the size using machine learning, and then colour correct in photoshop. The final image uses the same process as in up-scaling, but afterwards the image is then transformed in photoshop, allowing us to re-frame and zoom in. We then isolate the subject from the background and independently colour correct both, before saving as the final image. The results can sometimes be, hit and miss but for the most part, they look much better than they did. | |
Last week, we put it out there, and offered what questions would people like to ask. It has come as no surprise, but the thing you want to know most is… what are the models like, in real life. OK, so here we have a situation where we walk a tightrope, between truth and not giving too many personal details away. To start we will explain, even though we have worked with many models, that an individual’s experience can change to that, which others have found, and that sometimes, for no apparent reason at all, some people just do not get on together. The Past Working with girls in and from the UK was somewhat of a minefield. Yes, there where girls that were close to us as friends, there were some we worked with regularly and disliked! Somewhere rude, dismissive or thought highly off themselves and we should have been thankful for them just for turning up. We never had a serious problem with any models, but I am glad that those days are behind us. Manipulation and Narcissism, I will not go too much into the red pill, but this is not a new thing. Now I can not tell you how much freer it is working with European models, firstly no judgement on the uniform and some of the European girls are excited to wear it. They are opened minded; they are also better at posing and know their craft. We are talking about girls that shoot almost every day of the week, it could be soft, hard, for produces or themselves, and yet you see big announcements on social media when a UK model decides to get out of bed and work one day. Yes, sure there are character quirks, but also, they are so much more positive about work. They are happy to be paid, where UK girls would complain on their low rate (for doing fuck all, sorry). I am also aware that some are highly intelligent, and that is what I find the most attractive. I like conversation and life experience. An attractive face will get you notice but keep me mentally engaged. So, for me and college-uniform we more than happy to embrace life and work in Europe. |